Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Last day of October. Last.

Wed 8:36pm
Listening to Adelles Hello

Writing about the last day of October, the 31st. It marks my  last day of work at Journey to Wellness and Tranquility, a specialty clinic. I was the clinic nurse. I'm scheduled to go back to my husbands hometown with in this month (November). It serves as my despedida party though we really didn't party, it's against our belief. I just bought pizza, lasagna and chicken wings for us to have a little chitchat snacks party. That day It didn't felt like it was my last day, I was just really enjoying the day. Since It was my last day, I thought of wearing something unusual. Well I'm really not the type of girl who wears dress or skirts, heels or wedges. I love jeans and sneakers. To cut it short, I was wearing a dress with my yellow cardigans but still with my sneaks on. To sum it up, we had a great day. Down are some of the photos that day. Enjoy watching, thanks!

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