As you can see, I am not a photographer. I haven't even tried attending a photography class, although i want to. I don't know much about it. But i do know what i want. It's a hobby actually; taking pictures of anything specially natures beauty. It satisfy my disappointment of becoming a professional photographer. When i see my photographs beautifully taken, i come one step closer to my dream, but when i see others "almost perfect" photography, i lose hope in becoming one. But as time goes by, like today; everybody or most of the people enroll in photography class. I don't know if they really want to or they just what to be part of the "youths transitional trend". Most of the people buy those overpriced camera. Since they have it, they call themselves photographer, there photographs as photography and the like. As i was studying my photographs and listen to some of my friends and family's comments, i thought of something. You don't have to own an overpriced camera to be called a photographer, or enroll in a photography class to be the like. We create ourselves as well as we create what we create. It's in ones passion to become one. For me, I create beautiful pictures in spite of my old school camera and need not need anyones comment or approval to post it. I made it, and it's only me who can say if it's beautiful or not.
As what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Down are some of my favorites photographs. Behind every photo, there is a story.
You can check my Facebook account for many photos,
butterfly is good